The Fairbanking Foundation is a charity that has been campaigning for and certifying fair financial products for ten years. We help both the consumer and the financial institutions they interact with.
Our three Web based Apps, which you can test out below, have been designed equally for use by consumer and debt advisers with their clients as well as consumers. Consumer and debt advisers find these Apps are best integrated into their work with a short training session. Contact us here for more information.
Financial Well-Being Checker
Our free financial well-being tool is simple and easy to use. By answering a few short questions you will get real results on your financial well-being plus tips on how you could improve it.
Current Account Checker
Answer a few quick and easy questions to find out if your Current Account is working for you. If not we'll give you some tips on how to find one that will help improve your financial well-being.
My Financial Goals
Set financial goals and monitor your financial progress
This tool is aimed at supporting consumers to evaluate their current financial circumstances, and to help identify areas where Fairbanking products could help. Set financial goals and monitor financial progress towards these goals.
Could you improve your debt recovery response rates?
Our Advisory and Consultancy service has also obtained great results working with housing associations and other organisations to improve response rates to debt recovery. We offer on demand sessions and workshops which apply behavioural techniques to help motivate your customers to act to enable positive outcomes.
Find out more about the services we offer and read the case studies here.